Thank you for your interest in "PEACHES"! The above dates include:
Book Launch: Barnes & Noble, Valley View Mall, Roanoke, VA; 1/4/18
Book Signing and Art Show: Gainsboro Library, 15 Patton Avenue, Roanoke, VA; 2/7/18 6pm-8pm
Book Signing and Peaches Oil Launch: Melrose Beauty Supply, 3602 Melrose Ave., Roanoke, VA; 3/1/18 10am-noon
Book Signing: Harvard Cooperative Society, Harvard Square, Cambridge, MA, Main Entrance; 5/25/18 9am-11am
Book Signing: St. Peter AME Church, 2018 Old Highway 61, Tunica, MS; 9/13/18 5pm-7pm
I hope to see you at an event near you! Please follow my personal author's page for additonal dates and updates: Thank you for your support!