The 7th "P" in the P15 paradigm is "parenting". Dr. Thinkenshine believes that the parents are the first teachers and the home is the first academy. One of the goals of the More Love Movement is to help caregivers and institutions with the rearing of the next generation.
Occupy Your Mind with Dr. Thinkenshine: An Alphabetized Discussion Guide for Young People and Those Who Love Them (Lovelight International Press, 2012), reached thousands of families, households, communities and churches. Order your copy today at, or call Bookmasters at 1-800-247-6553. Under the leadership of Rev. Amy Ziglar, M.Div., National Marketing Director of the More Love Movement, Dr. Thinkenshine is currently offering a 12-week Vacation Bible School Program.
In addition to the Vacation Bible School curriculum, other Dr. Thinkenshine products which are available include: Curriculum Supplements; Mealtime (and other) Conversation Starters; The Pizza Game (An Exercise in Time Management); Dr. Thinkenshine's Shinin' N' Dinin' Recipes and Dr. Thinkenshine's Sun & Water Safety Guide. Request a catalog or order directly at my Facebook Author's page: A free Dr. Thinkenshine prayer cloth is included with each shipped order.