The P15 message would not be complete without the eternal “P”—the Public Invitation to Christian Discipleship!
We have the 15 Ps…but let’s stop and take inventory…Have you given your life to Jesus?
No matter where you are---here or in our television or web audience, no matter where you are around this planet…I am asking you to STOP and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior…..
All of us are born sinners, born under the curse of sin and our destiny, based on that curse is eternal damnation…….P15 is reversing the holistic, psycho-social curses…but I am talking about reversing a curse that is eternal…….
In heaven, there is no unethical practices in business, no children playing with guns, no slavery, no exploitation, no envy, no division, no stealing gold---but where the streets are paved with gold!
Read: John 3:16. God loves you so much; He gave His only begotten Son to pay our sin debt.
The Bible says, if we confess our sins, God is faithful and will cleanse us of all unrighteousness---
PLEASE PRAY RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE: Lord, I confess my sins, I believe that You are the Son of God-- that You died on the cross and rose on the third day. Forgive me of my sins and I ask you to come into my heart be my Savior and my Lord and I’ll love you and serve you the rest of my days….
Friends, today is the acceptable day for YOUR salvation!
Some of you have been crying out and asking for a sign….
THIS IS IT! Jesus was sent by the Father for ONE purpose---to rescue us—to save us, not to condemn us.
Won’t you accept Him, today?
Don’t waste your life on your own rage, anger, your own agenda, past mistakes…trust in the Lord with ALL your heart….
Come to the Father right
Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life….there is some truth in just about everything, but Jesus is The truth…
Won’t you come?
You may be suicidal, depressed, disenfranchised, angry, lonely, We can’t change the past….you may even be mad at the church because of a white Jesus or because they let women preach or because our gay brothers and sisters are getting ordained and married or because this church leader committed this sin. Friends, “More Lovers”, none of us is perfect! We have ALL sinned and come short of the glory of God. I am a flawed person, but I boast in my weakness, because when I am weak—God’s power rests on me.
You may be happy and have everything you need and want, but life will never be complete without Jesus.
Won’t you accept Him today? Jesus paid our sin debt on Calvary’s Cross at Golgotha’s Hill. I was blessed to have been able to visit Jesus’ tomb; there is a sign posted inside the tomb which reads: “He is not here; He is Risen!” That’s good news “More Lovers”!
But Jesus is showing up in your life right now for ONE purpose….to show you the Love of His/Our Father….
More Love---- God is love; we are created in His image, so we are love. Thank you for allowing me to extend a public invitation to Christian discipleship, offering you “more love”, eternal love, forgiving love, redeeming love, real love------
Our ministry has one purpose….more love, more souls saved, more love…won’t you come?
Jesus became sin to take our sins…..
I am asking God, in the name of Jesus, for 1,000 plus people to give their lives to Christ each day!
Share this with a friend. If you have incarcerated friends or friends who do not access to the www, please give them our mailing address. Send us your testimonies!
Let us praise God with you for your salvation!.......None of us is perfect, but we serve a God who is…..
I heard an evangelist say: “This world demands that we perform to be accepted. Our Heavenly Father sent His Son---who performed perfectly so we could be accepted.”
Stop beating yourself up. God accepts us based on what Jesus did on the cross. Won’t you accept Him today?
He will give you new hope…new life…..
Jesus became the victim for us that we could be set free…..
Some hearts have been waiting for this moment….
Father, in the name of Jesus, I see THE TRUTH-- without, it I’m lost….
I can’t perform well enough; Your ways are above my ways. Lord, I want to be yoked with you today and eternally….
Thank you for sending your Son to take my place…Forgive me, I have lived the wrong way, had the wrong thoughts……..
but today…..I choose the gift of salvation…..
This is so real that I will never rewind this tape……
Please, in the name of Jesus, send Your Holy Spirit to fill me with power, grace, the mind of Christ , love—more love…more love……Deliver me and set me free like no Emancipation Proclamation, peace treaty or jury could have ever done or could ever do. I know You will do exceedingly, abundantly above all that I can ask, think or imagine!
I accept You as my Savior; I breathe in—asking that you fill me with Your Holy Spirit---breath out (speaking in my regular voice as if I were talking) and speak in an unknown tongue; I receive the gift of the Holy Spirit so that You may use me to intercede for things that I know nothing about; so that I can train my mind on the things of God.
Forgive me, release me; Jesus IS my Savior! As the redeemed of the Lord, I say so! Hallelujah….
Now, go run tell it! Shout it from the mountain tops! We want MORE LOVE! We want the whole world saved!
Write and give us your testimony;
-Get in a good, Bible-based church were you feel “at home”;
-Let’s spread the Good News and “more love” to the entire world!
Heaven rejoiced when you accepted the invitation today. I give God glory.
Jesus prayed, “…kingdom come...on earth as it is in heaven…” Welcome to heaven!